Journey Not Destination

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Leena was standing at bus stop to catch a bus for her destinations but she doesn’t know the destination. Just like a life we don’t know the destination but still we all are moving forward. Without a single doubt she onboard on the first bus came to the bus stop were she was standing. When she onboard on the bus only Two people were there. One was driver other was a conductor. In our life we come in to this world because of two people.

One is mother & other is father.

The bus started & her journey too.

Just like we born & started living without knowing how too!

With every bus stop lot of people onboard on it.

In our life due to our parent we gifted by lot of people whom we known as relatives. They know & love us because we are child of their relatives due to which we share the same blood too.

My friend always says to me that “love always been blind in the history & will be in future” I never able to debate on it but still not so sure it is wright or wrong.

With every bus stop different people onboard in the bus. Just like we meet new people in our life as we grow. The bus seat got full but the seat next to leena was still empty.

The seat next to leena was for her partner. A partner she will meet not because she wants to but because of her fate. Which unavoidable as her death & life.

On the next stop one person onboard on the bus. As other seat was filled he seat next to her was empty & he seat on that seat.

It is not an end of her life but a part of her journey. With every bus stop she grow up as a person with family, career, relationship, friends etc.

She often watches outside of the window. For her the window was reflection of herself.

As the bus required fuel to move forward. Leena spend her time for moving forward. It also gives her maturity backed by aging, strong bond or relationship with people she cherishes, Achieving her desires & lot more.

As she spends time to move forward she realized that she is a lead role & other people are cameo in her life. The same way she is cameo in other people life as they themselves are lead role of their lives.

The moment came, when her destiny came as was she went so far was a part of her journey not a destination. The last stop of her journey were she said good bye to everyone & off board from the bus.